Use "blepharitis|blepharitides" in a sentence

1. Eye disorders Common: conjunctivitis, corneal opacity, keratitis, photophobia, eye pain Uncommon: blepharitis

2. Papilloedema (see Section #), optic nerve disorder (including optic neuritis, see Section #), nystagmus, scleritis, blepharitis

3. These include Browache, headache, external eye inflammation or infection such as blepharitis or conjunctivitis

4. Frequently, a skin disease such as seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, or acne rosacea is the underlying cause of chronic blepharitis.

5. Seborrheic blepharitis is a dandruff-like scaling of the skin on the lid margins that results in soreness, redness, and Crustiness

6. A European Robin (Erithacus rubecula) found dead in England had marked blepharitis and periocular alopecia associated with Aprocta cylindrica (Nematoda: Aproctidae) and concurrent mixed fungal infections

7. Cineraria maritima eye drops may be considered in the treatment of: chronic conjunctivitis; conjunctival irritation; cataracts, corneal opacity due to metabolic disorders caused by age, diabetes, or gouty conditions; blepharitis; overstrained eyes; inflammatory eye disease.

8. Gram-positive cocci were isolated from 79% of 57 Demodex-positive patients with blepharitis and 72% of 68 Demodex-negative patients anaerobes in 39% and 37%, gram-negative rods in 11% and 3% (statistically significant difference for gram-negative rods, α = 5%, χ2-test). Of the patients with Demodex, 25% apparently had no more parasites after mercury ointment, 2% (n = 8) and lindan (n = 5) and 15% after cortisone and antibiotics (n = 13). (The best and statistically very significant results (α = 1%) were those obtained with mercury ointment, 2%, and lindan: t-test for connected spot checks).